Creating and sticking to a budget for the holiday season is nearly impossible! Every year, people overspend, impulse buy, and lose track of what they have done and what they still need to do! IF ONLY there was a super simple, automatically calculated, and FREE holiday gift tracker that people could just download and use!
Oh wait, I’ve made one of those!
In fact, I use a list to keep track of my spending, sale dates, and all my other gift-giving details every year. This year, however, I made an official “Holiday Gift Tracker” to put in our ever-growing Resource Library!
This is FREE for all of our lovely subscribers! We want to help you get organized so you can save money, get the best deals, and rock this season like a pro!
Here’s what you’ll get with this FREE Holiday Gift Tracker:
⭐️ A stress-free way to keep track of your budget.
The expenses you enter will update automatically, allowing you to quickly see how much money you have left to spend.
⭐️ Digital as well as printable options.
You decide what works best for you. You can keep this a digital list so you can use the auto-update features, print it out and keep it with you, or both!
⭐️ A way to keep track of sales and locations.
This feature is for all the deal-getters like me! Whether you’re waiting on a Black Friday deal, store special, or After Christmas Sale, you can easily keep track of all the sale dates you want to remember.
⭐️ The ultimate organization made possible by custom sorting features.
With a click of a button, you can see:
- Who you didn’t get something for yet.
- The stores/locations you want to go to.
- Items by least or greatest expense.
- The dates you need to purchase.
- Which gifts are already wrapped?
- And More!
⭐️ An area to write down commonly forgotten details.
Maybe you see the coolest shirt or bedding set your friend would love. What size would they need? This Holiday Gift Tracker has a space to record commonly overlooked or forgotten details like sizes, ideas, and addresses.
Also, since you’ll have these details recorded and saved now, you’ll be a step ahead for next year!
⭐️ A plan that allows you to be guilt-free!
A budget gives you permission to spend, therefore, if you are an extreme saver, you won’t have to feel guilty about spending the money. Additionally, if you are the opposite of a saver, you don’t have to feel pressured to buy people more expensive gifts because overspending is NOT in your new awesome budget!
Hey, if it’s written – it’s written!
⭐️ Help to stay in line with your goals.
You’re not going to be like a lot of people who go into the New Year with holiday debt and regret. You’re going to enjoy your holidays, but you aren’t going to go into more debt. Start the New Year off right by sticking to your goals!
Download this free Holiday Gift Tracker NOW!
Fill out the following form to grab this official pro-level tracker! I just uploaded it to our library. Also, while you’re there, check out the other freebies we give away!
Next-level activated!
P.S. Want in on the super cheap deals I find this year? Join me in the Financial Independence Community where I’ll be sharing my best gifting finds!
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