Meeting a credit card minimum spend is an excellent way to earn a lump sum of rewards or points for free travel. Credit card companies will usually give customers a couple of months to reach the minimum spend and then send the rewards by the next billing cycle.
You might think that you would have to spend money on things you normally wouldn’t spend on to complete the requirement but that is simply NOT true. You just need a strategy. Meet the minimum spend with money you already plan to spend every month.
11 Practical Ways to Meet Credit Card Minimum Spend Requirements
- Plan ahead for a big purchase. Need a new appliance or a new roof? Wait to get that card until you can charge the purchase to your new card.
- Charge anything you can to that card, such as:
- Utilities
- Insurance
- Groceries
- Online selling platform fees (eBay fees, etc.)
- Subscriptions (Netflix)
- Hotels
- Groceries
- Kids activities
- Medical Bills
- Cable/phone/internet
- Home improvement
- Gas
- Travel
- Gym membership
- Car repairs
- Prepay your bills for the following month(s)
- Purchase gift cards. Purchase gift cards at stores you know you will be spending money at in the future. Perhaps, a grocery store. If you want to double-dip rewards for gift cards, consider creating an account with Ibotta. You can buy gift cards through the Ibotta app and earn extra cashback!
- Pick up bills for friends and family and have them pay you in cash. Make sure you get the money first though! You could do this for their regular bills or even a medical bill.
- Pay for a work trip with your card and have your employer reimburse you. This is gold if you work for a company that requires you to travel.
- Give to Charity. Most charities will accept a credit card donation. Don’t forget your tax write off!
- Become a Reseller. This one can get tricky but can also be fun. With a little research, you can find out what really sells online. You can then go to a thrift store, buy some low priced items, and sell them for a profit online. Reselling may help you meet your minimum spend AND put money in your pocket.
- Pay your college tuition. Some, but not all colleges will allow you to pay for tuition or other expenses with your credit card.
Ways to Meet Your Credit Card Minimum Spend with an Added Fee
Sometimes you will have to bite the bullet and pay a fee to meet your minimum spend. The good news is that these fees usually aren’t too high and they are still good options if you need them.
10. Pay your taxes. Yes, you can pay taxes with a credit card through a third party. You can see the fees associated on the IRS website.
11. Pay your mortgage, loans, rent, etc. using Plastiq. Plastiq is an online third party bill paying website that charges a 2.5% fee per transaction. Use my link to get 500 dollars fee-free after your first $500..
As you can see, with a little creativity, you never have to miss out on a valuable sign up bonus. If you want to see how I am using my credit cards to book a cheap family vacation, be sure to read my post on How to Book Family Vacations for Free or Cheap.